minister reggie alvarez
Reggie Alvarez is an ordained Minister, step dance choreographer, Director, youth leader, missionary and teacher. Through his missionary travels from 1999 to 2003, Reggie has helped to establish over 8 multi-cultural step-ministries in over five countries such as Holland, London, South Africa, Germany and the Czech Republic whilesharingtheGospelofJesuschrist. Reggiehasalsoministeredwithbootsin Singapore, Jamaica, AND Uganda between 2004 and 2018.
Reggie, who was a member of the ICB (International Christian Brotherhood) step- team, WAs also instrumental in establishing step teams in the U.S. most notably, the Remnant Step Ministry, a team consisting of 40 women between the ages of 10-50.
Today (under the vision of Dr. A.R. Bernard Sr. Pastor and founder of the Christian Cultural Center), Reggie leads ‘Boots’, one of the most dynamic step ministries in New York City and abroad. Ministering with such anointed Gospel legends as Fred Hammond, Kirk Franklin, Karen Clark- Sheard, Byron Cage and CCC’s own Min. Malissa Redmond and Paul gee (to name a few).
Boots has appeared on TBN, Gospel Superfest, the Universoul Circus, Carnegie Hall, Andmostrecentlyatcitifield. Bootshasgrowntobeknownasa‘theatrical’and ‘interactive’ step-ministry.
Reggie continueS to conduct CCC’s Boots workshop, which caters to 100 to 150 participants each summer since 2004, while continuing to offer 6-week workshops locally and abroad at churches, schools, community centers and other venues.